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Cans of soup!

Food Bank Ministry

December 2012

Cans of soup!

During the month of December we will be collecting cranberry sauce for the local food banks. Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry.

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Cans of soup!

Christmas Eve Services

December 24th, 2012

Merry Christmas!
5:30 p.m.
Christ Church
Frackville Celebrant – The Rev. James C. Smith

9:30 p.m.
Holy Apostles
St. Clair Celebrant – The Rev. Timothy Albright

7:30 p.m.
St. John's
Ashland Celebrant – The Rev. James C. Smith

The Vestry and Clergy of North Parish wish each one of you a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

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Winter Clothing Drive!

Winter Clothing Drive

December 2nd through 16th, 2012

Winter Clothing Drive!

North Parish is hosting a winter clothing drive from. We are collecting hats, scarves, gloves and coats for all ages. Your donations will be given to a local charity. Thank you for helping those in need.

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Cans of soup!

Food Bank Ministry

November 2012

Cans of soup!

During the month of November we will be collecting cans of soup for the local food banks. Items donated at St. John's will be given to the Ashland Food Bank, those donated at Christ Church will be given to the Frackville Ministerium Food Bank, and donations brought to Holy Apostles' will be given to the Pottsville Area Good Pantry.

Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry.

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Thanksgiving Day

Don't Be Alone
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

You are invited to:

Thanksgiving Day Dinner

November 22, 2012, 1:00 P.M.
Holy Apostles Episcopal Parish Hall
Nichols & Hancock Streets, St. Clair, PA
Please RSVP by November 15th
Church Office at 874-4532

Eat In – Take Out – Delivery available
Delivery beginning 11:00 A.M.

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Bishop's Visit

Sunday - November 18th, 2012

The Rt. Rev. John P. Croneberger will visit North Parish on November 18, 2012. A combined service will be held at St. John's, Ashland. Any youth age 11 or older who would like to be confirmed or any adult who would like to be received should call the church office (874-4532) as soon as possible so we can arrange Confirmation and Reception classes.

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Food Bank Ministry

October 2012


During the month of October we will be collecting boxes of cereal for the local food banks.

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Peanut Butter

Food Bank Ministry

September 2012


During the month of September we will be collecting Peanut Butter and Jelly. Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry./

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"Broadway Nights Broadway Lights!"

Saturday - September 22nd, 2012

Holy Apostles, St. Clair, PA
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with the performance beginning at 7:00 p.m.

This musical event will touch every ones heart as visits are made to some of the most wonderful sounds of Broadway. The Cast, which features, 21 Vocalists, dancers and musicians, will bring to life music from such popular shows as WICKED, THE SOUND OF MUSIC, WEST SIDE STORY, SMOKY JOES CAFÉ, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, MARY POPPINS, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and many more.

Our tech crew will provide theatre lighting and Sound that will transport you to the stages of Broadway, as LIFT YOUR SPIRITS brings Broadway to you!

Tickets are $8.00 and are available by calling the church office at 874-4532.

Light refreshments will be served following the performance.

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Food Bank Ministry

August 2012


During the month of August we will be collecting cans of vegetables for the local food banks. Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry.

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Pioneer Days

Saturday - August 18th, 2012


St. John’s ECW will participate in Pioneer Days at Higher Ups Park, Ashland on Saturday, August 18, 2012. Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine & Steam Train in Ashland will hold its 20th Annual "Pioneer Day" in celebration of its 50th Anniversary. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m...more...

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Peach Festival

Wednesday - August 15th, 2012
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Christ Church
13 S. Nice St. (side door entrance)
Frackville, PA

Ice Cream
Baked Goods

..: Eat In or Take Outs Available :..

Tickets - $5.00

For tickets call the church office at 874-4532

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Cans of soup!

Food Bank Ministry

July 2012

Cans of soup!

During the month of July we will be collecting cans or bottles of juice.

Items donated at St. John's, Ashland will be given to the Ashland Food Bank, those donated at Christ Church will be given to the Frackville Ministerium Food Bank, and donations brought to Holy Apostles' will be given to the Pottsville Area Good Pantry.

Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry.

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Food Bank Ministry

June 2012


During the month of June we will be collecting coffee and tea for the local food banks.

Items donated at St. John's, Ashland will be given to the Ashland Food Bank, those donated at Christ Church will be given to the Frackville Ministerium Food Bank, and donations brought to Holy Apostles' will be given to the Pottsville Area Good Pantry.

Thank you for your generous support with this ministry. If you are in need of food assistance, please call the church office at 874-4532 and we will direct you to a local food pantry.

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Yard Sale

Saturday - June 16th, 2012
Beginning at 8:00 am

Holy Apostles' Church
Nicholas & Hancock Sts.
St. Clair, PA

Holy Apostles will be participating in the Community Yard Sale Event on June 16th beginning at 8:00 a.m. Donations of yard sale items as well as baked goods and food items are needed. We also need volunteers to help at the sale and the evenings prior. If you can help, please contact Bonnie Baker (429-2272) or Lois Hewes (429-1100). All proceeds will go to the Good Shepherd’s Guild to help pay for snow removal and grass cutting. We have not had a fundraiser for some time and funds are running low. Any help you can give would greatly be appreciated.

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Sunday - May 27th, 2012

Worship Services
Joseph Burns – Graduate of Nativity BVM. Joseph is our organist at Holy Apostles' Church and will be attending Misericordia University.

Robert Higgins – Graduate of North School High School.

Samantha Miller – Graduate of Minersville High School, Samantha will be attending East Stroudsburg University and major in Hotel Management.

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St. John’s Ashland Yard Sale

Saturday - May 26th, 2012
8am to 1pm

Hot dogs and beverages will be available for sale. Yard sale items are needed. Please bring your donations when coming to church on Sunday.

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