ASW Press - US NAVY P-3 Official Photograph
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SubChaser Information SubChaser Information SubChaser Information
Paperback: 279 Pages
Publisher: ASW Press; (January 2002)
ISBN: 0-9727859-2-2

Soviet submarines have posed one of the major threats to the United States in recent history. Sub Chasers, aircraft that patrolled the seas, were our primary defense against submarine attacks. For thirteen years, during the height of the Cold War, the author served first as a Naval Aviation Observer and then as a Naval Flight Officer aboard the P-3 Orion aircraft tracking Soviet submarines in the Atlantic.

Commander Brittingham served with four Reconnaissance Patrols (VP's) and was deployed to NS Rota, Spain; NAS Sigonella, Sicily; NS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada; and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. While serving with VP-49 in NAS Keflavik, Iceland, he successfully detected and tracked enemy submarines on 25 flights. All facets of submarine detection from the air are described, including characteristic sound in water and both direct path and convergence zones using sonobouys.

Rapid promotions led to the rank of Captain and assignment to the Pentagon in Washington, DC. After 23 years of dedicated service to his country, Captain Brittingham suffered a debilitating stroke and retired from the US Navy. His book tells the fascinating story of Sub Chasers.

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