.: Black Hawks email address list!
There are two categories of membership - Regular and Associate.
Regular is limited to all former members of VP-68 (and feeder/supporting units), regardless of billet(s) served.
Associate is for those who wish to be included and support our efforts but were not members of VP-68.
Effective January 1, 2015 All Memberships will be Life Members only at a onetime fee of $25.00
Membership includes alumni events during the year, the Alumni Newsletter and other scheduled activities as the members decide. The association publishes a newsletter several times during the year that will keep everyone up to date on coming events, retirements and other alumni news.
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list - just jump over to VP-68 Alumni Association Yahoo Group and select "Join This Group" and follow the instructions - that's it! Once you are registered (and approved) - you can receive (and send) mail to those registered.
VP-68 Alumni Association Membership E-Mail Addresses
File Size: 214KB Updated 25SEP2021